Selasa, 05 April 2016

Hangout and Enjoy - Part 2

One of legend culinary place in Batu Malang is Ketan Legend Post 1967. Place directly beside the Alun Alun Kota Batu, Malang. All of the menu is specially Ketan. Ketan is made from one type of rice, which is steamed until cooked, the texture is chewy and sticky. The presentation using a variety of flavors, such as chocolate, durian, cheese and milk. This is what distinguishes the presentation of Ketan in general. It's delicious! Very very delicious! If you guys to Batu don't forget to stop by the legend place this one. Good luck :)

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food" - George Bernard Shaw

Location : Pos Ketan Legenda 1967, Kota Batu Malang Jawa Timur

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